
AMEX 4.0.3 Waivables

We’ve contacted FIME and learned that AMEX will provide waivers for some 4.0.3 test cases. Below is their explanation on the matter, and the full correspondence is attached as an .msg file.

(…) our lab has received an answer from AMEX. We confirm there is a current issue related to this profile 35.

The list of tests which this issue applies is the followingCAA1_PROC_35, CAA1_PROC_36, CAA1_PROC_38, CAA1_PROC_39, CAA1_PROC_40, CVM_PROC_10, CVM_PROC_85, MOBILE_CVM_PROC_33, PRO_RES_PROC_80, RR_PROC_74, RR_PROC_76ONLINE_PROC_82

The answer from AMEX is the following one:


There is an issue with Multi-Configuration Kernel Profile (MCKP) 35 for the mentioned test cases below, when ALL of the following conditions are met:

  1. The Terminal/Kernel can support configurable transaction modes i.e. EMV and MS Mode or EMV Mode Only as declared in the ICS, AND

  1. The test cases are executed under Multi-Configuration Kernel (MCK) Profile 35, which means the Terminal/Kernel is configured in EMV Mode Only, AND

  1. The cert test tool returns a CARD/MOBILE Magstripe (MS) Only AIP

As a result of the above conditions, the Terminal/Kernel will terminate the transaction prematurely when the Terminal/Kernel is configured in EMV Mode Only and the returned AIP indicates MS Mode Only. Although this is correct terminal behavior, it does not align with the expected pass criteria specified in the test cases resulting in a failure (false negative).

There is a fix planned for this, in the next test plan release, which will occur later this year.

In the interim, please continue to execute these test cases, even though they may fail. We will approve them with waivers, when issuing the level 2 certification LoA.
