
Atheos FAQ

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Is there a proper way to shut down the Atheos Gateway program?

An HUP signal may be sent to the program. It will wait for a configurable delay for all active connections to close by themselves. Then, it will force close the remaining connections and terminate itself.

Why my private key stored in a file is not recognized?

The first line of the file must be


What is the POI Profile templates format?

The various Nexo templates that can be uploaded into a POI profile must be a plain text file. The accepted characters are: A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and ! ” # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? ` @ [ \ ] ^ _ { | } ~. Language specific characters shall not be used such as é, à, ç, £, €, etc.

Make sure that the editor you will use to edit the file won’t introduce special characters. Editor you should avoid is WordPad, Microsoft Word, etc. Notepad, NotePad++ are recommended.