

Legacy vs EMVCo Book Cx Testing

There are 6 kernels impacted by this dichotomy:

  • Mastercard

  • Visa

  • American Express

  • JCB

  • Discover (for two different qualifications: DPAS and ZIP)

  • CUP


From ACE stand point, activate/deactivate this options using TMS/Administrative… menu:

  • Check “PayPass Legacy” to test C-2/Mastercard out of the EMVCo entry point scope

  • Check “Visa Legacy” to test C-3/Visa out of the EMVCo entry point scope

  • Check “Amex Legacy” to test C-4/American Express out of the EMVCo entry point scope

  • Check “JCB Legacy” to test C-5/JCB out of the EMVCo entry point scope

  • Check “CUP Legacy” to test C-7/CUP out of the EMVCo entry point scope


From a Kizis stand point, the following setup may be applied in agnos.ini:

LegacyAmex=Yes ;if not emvco entry point
LegacyJCB=Yes ;if not emvco entry point
LegacyPayPass=Yes ;if not emvco entry point
LegacyVISA=Yes ;if not emvco entry point
LegacyCUP=Yes ;if not emvco entry point

From an API stand point, the following calls may be performed (see entrypoint.h):

//--------------------------------------------------------- // enpSetLegacyAMEXStatus() //--------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize Agnos entry point to manage PPSE select following AMEX specifications // // Visibility: Public // Hypothesis: -- // Reference: -- // void enpSetLegacyAMEXStatus(tBoolean status); //--------------------------------------------------------- // enpSetLegacyZIPStatus() //--------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize Agnos entry point to manage PPSE select following ZIP specifications // // Visibility: Public // Hypothesis: -- // Reference: -- // void enpSetLegacyZIPStatus(tBoolean status); //--------------------------------------------------------- // enpSetPPSEDPASStatus() //--------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize Agnos entry point to manage PPSE select following DPAS specifications // // Visibility: Public // Hypothesis: -- // Reference: -- // void enpSetLegacyDPASStatus(tBoolean status); //--------------------------------------------------------- // enpSetLegacyPayPassStatus() //--------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize Agnos entry point to manage PPSE select following PayPass specifications // // Visibility: Public // Hypothesis: -- // Reference: -- // void enpSetLegacyPayPassStatus(tBoolean status); //--------------------------------------------------------- // enpSetPPSEJCBStatus() //--------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize Agnos entry point to manage PPSE select following JCB specifications // // Visibility: Public // Hypothesis: -- // Reference: -- // void enpSetLegacyJCBStatus(tBoolean status); //--------------------------------------------------------- // enpSetPPSEVISAStatus() //--------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize Agnos entry point to manage PPSE select following VISA specifications // // Visibility: Public // Hypothesis: -- // Reference: -- // void enpSetLegacyVISAStatus(tBoolean status); //--------------------------------------------------------- // enpSetPPSECUPStatus() //--------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize Agnos entry point to manage PPSE select following CUP specifications // // Visibility: Public // Hypothesis: -- // Reference: -- // void enpSetLegacyCUPStatus(tBoolean status);

Entry Point EMVCo Book B Certification

Agnos Entry Point certification requires a specific kernel - TestKernel - that needs to be loaded at run time. Else, the testing paradigm is the same:

  • A specific set of configurations is available under ACE

  • It is possible to get AgnosEP (entry point) and TestKernel versions from ACE

  • Transactions and analysis are the same as for CL kernels certifications