
Close a Session (Logout Response)

In Nexo Retail protocol, a Logout message is initiated by the Sale System to end the association (or the session) between two components of the Sale System and the POI System.

Nexo Logout Request Examples

XML Format

<?xml version="1.0"?> <SaleToPOIRequest> <MessageHeader MessageClass="Service" MessageCategory="Logout" MessageType="Request" ServiceID="205" SaleID="SaleTermA" POIID="ArkosTerm1"/> <LogoutRequest/> </SaleToPOIRequest>


JSON Format

{ "SaleToPOIRequest" : { "MessageHeader" : { "MessageClass" : "Service", "MessageCategory" : "Logout", "MessageType" : "Request", "ServiceID" : "205", "SaleID" : "SaleTermA", "POIID" : "ArkosTerm1" }, "LogoutRequest" : { } } }


Nexo Logout Response Examples

XML Format

<?xml version="1.0"?> <SaleToPOIResponse> <MessageHeader MessageClass="Service" MessageCategory="Logout" MessageType="Response" ServiceID="205" SaleID="SaleTermA" POIID="ArkosTerm1"/> <LogoutResponse> <Response Result="Success"/> </LogoutResponse> </SaleToPOIResponse>


JSON Format