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Table of Contents


OLA stands for Open L2 API. It is a programmable interface normalizing card processing (L2) services required by a payment application (L3).

Important: this interface has been designed from a Nexo Fast perspective. OLA is a global initiative aiming to cover a missing key element in the payment ecosystem: the EMV L2 API. However, OLA is generic enough to support any kind of payment dynamic beyond Nexo implementations.


Interacting with a L2 stack is based a simple principles:


  • A payment application detects whether a contact or contactless application will be triggerred

  • A payment application implements the logic to select a final application based on OLA services

  • A payment application configures the EMV parameters based on the final selection


OLA aims:

  • To break dependencies between different integration levels and L2 implementations

  • To fill the gap between different objectives of testability (usually dependent on the context of integration)

  • To normalize L2 API beyond certificatibility objectives

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This interface presents callback structures to integrate OLA with a minimum zero dependency from platform


This interface presents different administrative services


This interface presents common services required to support contact and contactless card processing


This interface allows a payment application to intialize a L2 stack with a set of public keys required to execute an EMV transaction flow (contact and contactless)


This interface is meant to support contact transaction flow


This interface is meant to support contactless transaction flow


This header lists all the tags that are specific to Nexo Fast and consequently subject to a translation for further indexation in the L2 stack


Deprecated from OLA 2.x versions



Code Block
// NAME.......  ola_implem.h
// PURPOSE....  Level 2 Abstraction Layer for contactless to be used by the external world (Level 3 application)
// PROJECT....  Arkos Payment Solution
// Copyright 2005-2020 - 9164-4187 QUEBEC INC (AMADIS), All Rights Reserved

#ifndef OLA_IMPLEM_H_
#define OLA_IMPLEM_H_

#include "ola.h"

//			OLA related Services

typedef struct {
	void (*flush_aid_supported)(void);
	tOLAError (*answer_to_reset)(const char* reader);
	tOLAError (*add_aid_supported)(const uint8_t *aid, uint8_t aidLength, int partial);
	tOLAError (*build_candidate_list)(uint8_t *nb_candidates, int *pse);
	tOLAError (*get_tag_from_candidate)(uint8_t candidate, uint32_t tag, uint8_t *value, uint16_t *length);
	tOLAError (*final_select_candidate)(uint8_t candidate);
	tOLAError (*initiate_transaction)(tOlaModeContactTransaction mode);
	tOLAError (*complete_transaction)(const uint8_t *authorResponseCode, const uint8_t *issuerAuthenticationData, uint8_t issuerAuthenticationData_length);
	void  (*clean)(void);
} ola_contact_implem_t;

typedef struct {
	void (*flush_aid_supported)(void);
	tOLAError (*add_aid_supported)(const uint8_t *aid, uint8_t aidLength, int partial, uint8_t kernelId, const uint8_t *tlv, uint16_t tlvLength);
	uint16_t (*add_drl_supported)(const uint8_t *programId, uint8_t programIdLength, const uint8_t *transactionLimit, const uint8_t *floorLimit, const uint8_t *CVMLimit, int statusCheck, int isZeroAllowed, uint8_t kernelId);
	void (*commit_supported_aids)(void);
	uint16_t (*build_candidate_list)(uint8_t *nb_candidates);
	uint16_t (*get_tag_from_candidate)(uint8_t candidate, uint32_t tag, uint8_t *value, uint16_t *length);
	tOLAError (*final_select_candidate)(uint8_t candidate, uint8_t *kernelId);
	tOLAError (*get_card_preferred_language)(char *language);
	tOLAError (*preprocess)(void);
	tOLAError (*do_transaction)(void);
	void (*clean)(void);
	tOLAError (*get_outcome)(tOlaOutcomeParameter *outcome);
	tOLAError (*get_UI_request_upon_outcome)(tOlaUIRequest *uiRequest);
	tOLAError (*get_UI_request_restart)(tOlaUIRequest *uiRequest);
} ola_contactless_implem_t;

typedef struct {
	tOLAError (*set_tag)(uint32_t tag, uint8_t *value, uint16_t length);
	tOLAError (*get_tag)(uint32_t tag, uint8_t *value, uint16_t *length);
	tOLAError (*get_cvm_results)(tOlaEMVCoCVM *cvm);
} ola_emv_implem_t;

typedef struct {
	void (*flush)(void);
	tOLAError (*add)(const tOlaPubKey *key, const uint8_t *checksum);
	tOLAError (*find)(tOlaPubKey *key, uint8_t *checksum);
	tOLAError (*get_next_id)(uint8_t *idx, uint8_t *rid, int start);
	tOLAError (*commit)(void);
} ola_publickey_implem_t;

typedef struct {
	ola_contact_implem_t contact;
	ola_contactless_implem_t contactless;
	ola_emv_implem_t emv;
	ola_publickey_implem_t publickey;
} ola_implem_t;

#endif /* OLA_IMPLEM_H_ */
