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In this section:

Table of Contents


A Reservation service is a transaction initiated by an Acceptor to make reservation of an estimated amount, for a certain time preceding the consumption of a service or delivery of goods and the actual payment. It consists in:

  • An initial reservation Initial Reservation for an estimated amount of the purchase and a period of time to perform
    the purchase,

  • Optionally, one or several update reservationsUpdate Reservation(s) when the condition of the reservation is changing,

  • A completion And finally, a Completion after the consumption or delivery to complete the payment transaction with the actual amount.

Reference Documents

  • nexo Card Payment Message Usage Guide

  • nexo-FAST Specifications

  • nexo Retailer Specifications

    The complete catalog of official ISO 20022 CAPE messages, including the Message Definition Reports (MDR) and XML Schemas, is available on the ISO 20022 official Web site ( All other CAPE or nexo related information can be found by visiting the nexo Web site (


    “PRE-AUTH” an initial reservation ,

    The Acceptor may include (optionally):

    • RequestedAmount: this is the estimated amount of the purchase to reserve,

    Initial Reservation


    The corresponding nexo-Fast service is

    a Pre-Authorisation ('04' PRE-AUTH).

    The Acceptor shall initiate

    a Pre-Authorisation including:

    • SaleReferenceID, the sale identifier for the whole reservation transaction

    • .


    (PAS SUPPORTÉ) RequestedValidityDate: the estimated time period of the purchase to reserve,


    Connected POI

    Sale to Acceptor

    If the reservation originates from a Sale System, the Pre-Authorisation Service initiated by the Acceptor shall



    • SaleTransactionID, the unique identification of a Sale transaction.

    Acceptor to Acquirer

    The Pre-Authorisation Service must be authorised online.

    • The Acceptor requests an authorization the Acquirer by sending an AcceptorAuthorisationRequest.

    • The Acquirer may indicate a specific reference to the reservation in the RecepientTransactionID field in the AcceptorAuthorisationResponse.

    Initial Reservation with no amount entry

    The estimated amount of the purchase to reserve will be retrieved by the Acceptor from the Application Profile after Application Selection:

    • If the Pre-Authorisation Default Amount is present in

    the response.
    • the configuration, then the Acceptor shall use the specified value as the estimated amount.

    • Otherwise, the estimated amount shall be set to 0.

    Initial Reservation with an estimated amount

    Update Reservation

    The corresponding nexo-Fast service is “UPDATE PRE-AUTH”.

    The Acceptor shall initiate an update reservation including:

    • SaleReferenceID, the sale identifier for the whole reservation transaction, used for the initial reservation,

    • RequestedAmount: the new estimated amount of the purchase,

    The Acceptor may include (optionally):

    • RequestedValidityDate: the new estimated time period of the purchase,

    Connected POI

    If the reservation originates from a Sale System, the Acceptor shall also include:

    • SaleTransactionID

    The Acceptor requests an authorization the Acquirer by sending an AcceptorAuthorisationRequest. The Acquirer may indicate a specific reference to the reservation in the RecepientTransactionID field (it should be same value used for the initial reservation).

    Toujours online

    Update Reservation avec recherche


    The corresponding nexo-Fast service is “PAYMENT COMPLETION”.

    The Acceptor shall initiate an update reservation including:

    • SaleReferenceID, the sale identifier for the whole reservation transaction, used for the initial reservation,

    • RequestedAmount: the actual amount of the purchase,

    Connected POI

    If the reservation originates from a Sale System, the Acceptor shall also include:

    • SaleTransactionID

    The Acceptor may an authorization the Acquirer by sending an AcceptorAuthorisationRequest.

    An CompletionAdvice is sent to the Acquirer to indicate the completion of the reservation.

    Completion Reservation avec recherche


    Enable Reservation Service

    To enable the Reservation Service:

    1. Define the following services proprieties in the Service Settings Table (E4).

      1. '04' : PRE-AUTH

      2. '05' : UPDATE PRE-AUTH

      3. '06' : PAYMENT COMPLETION

    2. Add the Pre-Authorisation Service in the list of configured service in Terminal Data (E1) using:

      1. 'DF13' - Configured Services[1, 5] = 1b (Pre-Authorisation) or

      2. 'DF67' - Configured Services Extended[1, 5] = 1b (Pre-Authorisation)

    3. Add the Update Pre-Authorisation Service in the list of configured service in Terminal Data (E1) using:

      1. 'DF13' - Configured Services[1, 4] = 1b (Update Pre-Authorisation) or

      2. 'DF67' - Configured Services Extended[1, 4] = 1b (Update Pre-Authorisation)

    4. Add the Payment Completion Service in the list of configured service in Terminal Data (E1) using:

      1. 'DF13' - Configured Services[1, 3] = 1b (Payment Completion) or

      2. 'DF67' - Configured Services Extended[1, 3] = 1b (Payment Completion)

    Enable Reservation Service Cancellation

    Cancellation of Pre-Authorisation

    To allow the Cancellation of Pre-Authorization, set 'DF28' - Application Profile Settings(APS) for Cancellation [1, 6] = 1b (Cancellation of Pre-Authorisation)

    Cancellation of Payment Completion

    To allow the Cancellation of Payment Completion, set 'DF28' - Application Profile Settings(APS) for Cancellation [1, 5] = 1b (Cancellation of Payment Completion) Note


    The transaction amount shall be set before processing of the Reservation Service is entered

    Reservation Validity Period Handling

    For validity period handling, a configurable parameter Pre-Authorisation Validity Number of Days is optionally stored in the Application Profile and, if present, indicates the maximum validity period for a Pre-Authorisation and an Update Pre-Authorisation according to scheme rules.

    If the Pre-Authorisation Validity Number of Days is not present, then a default value of '00 00' will be used, meaning that the Acceptor provides no estimated time period of the purchase to reserve.

    Message Examples

    nexo Retailers V3 Sale to POI messages

    (PAS SUPPORTÉ) RequestedValidityDate: the estimated time period of the purchase to reserve,

    titleInitial Reservation (PaymentRequest)
    Code Block
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <SaleToPOIRequest xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="EpasSaleToPOIMessages.xsd">
    <MessageHeader MessageClass="Service" MessageCategory="Payment" MessageType="Request" ServiceID="642" SaleID="SaleTermA" POIID="POITerm1"/>
      <SaleTransactionID TransactionID="579" TimeStamp="2021-01-10T23:08:42.4+01:00"/>
      <AmountsReq Currency="EUR" RequestedAmount="104.11"/>
    <PaymentData PaymentType="FirstReservation"/>

    MerchantApp Considerations

    Messages Flow

    View file
    nameFlux Data Acquéreur (1).drawio