
Integration Guidance - Visa branding

All Tap to Phone solutions must meet the branding requirements as described in Visa Digital Brand Requirements (Available on Visa Partner Portal).

The branding commitment ensures a consistent and secure experience for Visa users. and help maintaining the integrity of the Visa brand and its associated standards.

User experience

With Tap to Phone, users have a fast, convenient payment method available even when no traditional checkout counter exists. By seeing a clear Contactless Symbol on the seller’s screen, users know to tap their card, smartphone or wearable device to the seller’s device. The Visa sensory animation, sound, and haptic vibration that follows a transaction indicates payment acceptance and provides clarity and confidence to users when in these non-traditional retail environments.


Visa Digital Brand Requirements

In essence the requirements for a Tap to Phone solution are as follows (documentation extract):

  • The Contactless Symbol, Visa Brand Mark, and other applicable network acceptance marks must appear during the “awaiting payment” moment of acceptance on the seller’s Tap to Phone device screen.

  • The Contactless Symbol must always be prominent and larger than the network acceptance marks. All network acceptance marks must be similar in size.

  • Visa sensory animation, sound, and haptic vibration are played on the seller’s device (when supported) to confirm a Visa transaction.

  • When a seller provides Tap to Phone checkout at a physical location, POS signage must be displayed with Visa Brand Mark and other network acceptance marks of similar size, Contactless Indicator, and “Contactless payments only accepted” or similar language.

Do not use the Contactless Indicator instead of the Contactless Symbol or omit acceptance marks on the Tap to Phone device’s screen.

Visa Ready Tap to Pay - Program and Requirements Guide

Figure 1-3 of the document describe the user experience requirements:

Useful documentation