
Secure Backend - Requirements


Before running the backend installation commands, make sure your system have the following packages installed:

  • gnupg2 : GNU privacy guard - a free PGP replacement

  • pass : lightweight directory-based password manager

  • make : to be able to use the provided tool (Makefile) to install the backend

  • (or equivalent)

  • docker-compose (or equivalent)

Admin privileges

Some backend installation commands will require admin priviledges. Make sure your current user is part of the sudoers group. Edit the /etc/sudoers file and add your user to it:

<username> ALL=(ALL) ALL

Ubuntu/Debian like systems

The installation process on Ubuntu/Debian like systems is quite easy.

sudo apt install -y docker-compose gnupg2 pass make

RedHat/CentOS like systems

The installation process on those machines is a bit more complex.

Some packages are already part of the standard repository and can be installed right away.

sudo dnf install -y gnupg2 make

Docker ( equivalent)

To install docker packages, please add the Docker repository to your configuration manager:

Then, you can install docker with the following command:

Unlike Ubuntu/Debian systems, Docker needs to be started once manually to be set up:


Docker-compose needs to be installed from the official site. Please execute the following commands:


Pass’ official name is password-store. It seems like it used to be part of RedHat/CentOS standard repository, but not anymore. You can download the latest official version from this link.

To install it, simply run:

Docker group

To be able to execute some Docker commands, the current user will need to be added to the Docker group. To do so, open file /etc/group and append the current username to the “docker” line:

<groupid> is already filled with a system defined value, do not edit it. Simple add your own <username> to the end of the line.