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Table of Contents

This section aims to support development teams to plan, to port, to integrate, and to certify Agnos Framework onto any payment platforms and infrastructures. It has been written from the experience of past porting projects from open platforms such as Linux PC to very constrained embedded environments using chipsets with limited processing and memory capacities (e.g. Cortex M3 with FreeRTOS). This guide also takes into account the different processor/acquirer projects in order to raise specific concerns to L3/L2 integration.

This document is organized to cover all the steps of the Agnos Framework integration. It’s about sharing different experiences allowing readers to go straight to the point and to anticipate on typical L2 and L3 challenges and constraints. However, the topic is so wide that it can’t provide all the answers for each specific environment. Still, a lot of questions are raised to structure the inception of modern card acceptance system and to help the management of L2 and L3 certifications.

  1. Agnos Framework Porting Project presents the challenges related to Agnos certifications on new platforms and infrastructures with an accent on the methodology

  2. Acceptance Project Scoping defines the limits of certification from 3 perspectives: L1, L2, and L3. It also provides information related to ICS

  3. Architecture synchronizes the developer on physical and logical concepts to help identify the context of the Agnos Framework integration

  4. Integrationdescribes how ACE – Amadis’ SDK – can be used to submit an acceptance system to L2 certifications

  5. Specializationlists the GPI primitives that need to be overloaded

Important: L3 merchant, acquirer, processor specific implementations (or specific payment applications) and underlying certifications are beyond the scope of that document. Agnos Framework package addresses L2 needs (contact and contactless) and related L2 TA testing. Additional work needs to be performed to prepare L3 activities which depend on non-standard contexts (regional rules, specific acquirer/processor protocols, regional security schemes, merchant integration requirements, added-value applications such as loyalty programs, etc…). However, some references to L3 are made in that document to help developers to contextualize their L2 porting project.

Porting Project

Porting Agnos Framework to a specific platform is a kind of double challenge:

The first step is about kernels certifications when the system needs to comply with specific requirements and to pass different test plans in a laboratory context (L2 certifications). Examples:

  • EMVCo L2 certification

  • MasterCard PayPass certification

  • Book C-1 certification

The second step is about kernel integration certifications when the system needs to comply with specific requirements and to pass different test plans in a processor/acquirer context (L3 certifications). Examples:


Important: Specifications, and test plans change during the year. It’s important to know TA sunset dates to avoid project delays.

Path to L2 certification

L2 certifications are complex tasks. The complexity lies on:


Hence, there are 3 risks that must be mitigated during this stage:

Functional compliancy: running all the tests in the same conditions like during an official TA is the best way to mitigate that risk. However, a full TA qualification requires time and budget:


Test Plan

Manual Qualification

Automated Qualification

EMVCo Contact

10 days (1 baseline configuration)


MasterCard PayPass C-2

12 days

TEI Available

Visa payWave C-3

20 days (no DRL set)

JCB J/Speedy C-5

7 days

ART Available - No VCTKS

American Express ExpressPay C-4

5 20 days (no DRL set)


JCB J/Speedy C-5

7 days


Discover D-PAS C-6

5 days


CUP QuickPass Overseas C-7

5 days


Interac Flash

5 days



7 days



5 days


Performance compliancy: booking early debug slots and performing the exact same tests as for a TA is the only means to mitigate that risk. These tests called performance, combination, and cross testing use special equipment and special cards/mobile phones. That step may be anticipated as soon as the GPI and basic functional tests have been performed on the device. In average, this time is around T0 + 10 weeks of work

Timing: specifications and test plans change – independently - during the year. It’s important to plan which versions are targeted (specifications and test plans) based a specifications and test plans sunset dates

Path to L3 certification

L3 certifications are lighter than L2 certifications (in term of number of test cases) but very contextual preventing to document a full standardized guide. L3 depends on “kernel” certifications that are granted by labs and/or payment networks but also on the acquirer/processor environments that are targeted for the end-to-end integration. The purpose of this document is not to cover that stage. However, it’s important to know that L3 tasks shall be anticipated way before L2 activities and LoA issuances.


  • Processor/acquirer protocol

  • Processor/acquirer data model

  • Batch or data capture management

  • Exception file list management

  • Key revocation process

  • Transaction flow and user experience

  • Security scheme like online pin block generation

  • EMV application in the US and in Canada

  • Dual polling (contact/contactless)

  • Split sales detection

  • Loyalty program integration

  • Transportation program integration

  • Gratuity capture


This diagram below represents an example on how a porting project may be sequenced and paralleled:


  • The kickoff is used to share all the project constraints. It is not dedicated to planning activity which is a separated task that needs to be performed during project management working session. It’s a good time to parse the contract and the agreements to make sure that deliverables and milestones are well understood

  • During a face-to-face meeting, the training is used to learn Agnos API, and to emulate a project execution. For example, the parallelization of L2/L3 activities is an important topic that is covered. Training may be skipped depending on team’s skill and experience on the topic

  • Planning is essentially an activity depending on customer’s time to market constraints. Amadis is involved to advice on TA preparation times, and on specific Amadis resources availability. But Amadis hasn’t the responsibility to define and to maintain the schedule (there is one exception: if Amadis submits TA on its name)

  • Before starting development activities, it is important to commit on product and architecture definitions because subsequent tasks are directly impacted. Development team integrating the GPI needs to get a document (High Level Requirements) explaining the project including: Business requirements, Planning, Logical and physical architectures, Platform characterization


Each project comes up with its own constraints. However, porting Agnos Framework to a new platform is a pretty standard process crossing always the same milestones which can’t be avoided.



High Level Requirements

Definition of the project
- Time to market / planning alignment?
- Dual? Which kernel(s) to be integrated?
- Security requirements beyond EMV?
- Payment infrastructure: Region? Processor?
- Which chipset to be used? Available memory?
- Device’s external communication means? Physical architecture?
- …

Planning Definition

Prerequisite: High Level Requirements

Timing of the project
- Which test plans versions are going to be targeted?
- How the L1 and L2 certifications synchronize each other?
- Certification and debug slots?

ICS Forms

Prerequisite: High Level Requirements

For each kernel to be certified, fill-up the corresponding ICS forms

GPI Integration

Prerequisite: High Level Requirements

Based on the requirements, the GPI is specialized for a given platform and Unit Tested to prepare the qualification

Agnos Qualification

Prerequisite: GPI Integration and ICS Forms

Based on the GPI, Agnos is specialized for given ICS and qualified against test plans (EMVCo, and payment brands)

Certification Packaging

Prerequisite: Agnos Qualification

Based on the qualification sessions, a package is prepared to be submitted to the lab. It includes documents, procedures, binaries, setup, devices, …

Agnos Certification

Prerequisite: Certification Packaging

This is the final milestone. A release not is provided at the end of the project to trace actual software versions

Acceptance Project Scoping

An implementation project for an acceptance system may be split up into 6 distinct domains in order to scope what has to be delivered:


  • Platform, the low level of the acceptance system’s architecture supporting all services required to get EMV kernel certifications

  • Agnos, the corner stone of the EMV acceptance system to be ported (alias the framework)

  • L3 and its interface, a.k.a. PoI or PoP, driving the framework and interfacing with 3 external systems: Processing(providing an interface to route financial messages), TMS(providing an interface to manage configurations), and Acquirer Security (defining security rules to integrate in order to accept transaction in the acquiring infrastructure).

There are 2 others domains in relation with L3 (outside the payment system):

  • Sales, using the L3 interface available in order to trigger transactions

  • KeyLoading, implemented as a Acquirer Security interface available for Key Loading System in order to initialize the acceptance system with secure artifacts required by the acquirer security scheme


Note: L2 LoAs granted during kernels certifications stages will be used as inputs to perform L3 Integration certifications stages.

L1 Characterization

In the scope of this Wiki, L1 domain covers all platform related services. Hypothesis:


Here is a list of example topics to be addressed during that stage:

[PDC1] Is there an Operating System?


  • There is no File System: to realize a data configuration files access layer in GPI that is dependent on flash memory management. It’s important to raise limitation as soon as possible (like maximum size of memory data segments, size required to store configuration data sets, strings table, …

  • There is no Dynamic Library Loading mechanism : to use payment application static loading mechanism (_STATIC_LOADER_ and _STATIC_LINK_ options)


  • Android: Do you need a Java to NDK API?

  • Linux

  • WinCE

  • Proprietary

[PDC2] What is the memory size available?

  • Flash? In Kbytes

  • RAM? In Kbytes. That size is very important. It may limit the number of simultaneous kernels

[PDC3] What are the communication interfaces available? Data exchange size limitation?

  • Ethernet

  • Ethernet over USB

  • Serial USB

  • Serial Bluetooth

  • Other

[PDC4] Is there any consummation constraints?

[PDC5] Is there a keyboard?


  • In contactless, there will be no hardware pin-pad to pass ONLINE PIN / STOP BUTTON test cases in PayPass (not ICS options)  to use ACE to simulate pin entry and stop

  • Fill CT/CL ICS accordingly to avoid extra works limitation UI emulation;


  • Make a particular attention to bouncing and performance impact on keyboard scanning

[PDC6] Is there a display?


  • What are the regional rules related to display-less devices?

[PDC7] What are the card interfaces available?

  • Magstripe

  • Contact

  • Contactless

[PDC8] Does the chipset include a L1 certified contact stack?

  • No (when, in regards with GPI integration timings)

[PDC9] Does the chipset include a digital L1 ready-to-be-used contactless stack?

  • No (when, in regards with GPI integration timings)

[PDC10] To what extent is the platform consistent with L3 security requirements?

  • PCI compliancy

  • End-to-end encryption

  • Master/Session or DUKPT

  • Key loading mechanisms

  • Boot loading

  • Track’s service code availability?

L2 Characterization

In the scope of this Wiki, L2 domain covers Agnos Framework components independent from the platform and implementing L2 rules. This activity is about ICS definition.

Contact ICS

That step consists in defining what are the mandatory features that a contact L2 library needs to provide to L3 payment application so that business requirements will be supported in the field.


Go to to get very last ICS forms, administrative process description, bulletins, etc…

[ICS_K1] Which EMV features are supported?

  • Unordered List ItemRefer to Agnos ICS references to define your ICS

[ICS_K2] Which EMV features are minor?

  • Use minor criteria to have a lighter ICS in term of number of features. Minor features may be added/removed without recertifying during L3 TA setup

[ICS_K3] Do you need several ICS?

  • Use a baseline and several increments to avoid recertifying from scratch a subsequent ICS

[ICS_K4] Is there an appropriate time to certify a CT

  • Note that every year, there is an EMVCo specifications or/and test plan update. Please contact a lab for more information

Contactless ICS

For contactless, the paradigm is pretty much the same as for contact: defining an ICS is mandatory to extract the list of test cases that will be used to run the TA sessions and get the LoA. The major difference lies on the fact that there is no standard ICS across the brands. So, one different ICS has to be filled up for each CL kernel. As a pre-requisite to these tasks, it requires a license from the payment networks releasing kernel’s specifications to be certified.

[ICS_CL1] Where is the antenna’s center?

  • A logo needs to be displayed right at the center for TA session

  • It’s important to avoid logo blinking during transaction flow while display messaging occurs

[ICS_CL2] How will time frames be measured?

  • Beeps or LED may be used. Use beep for better results

[ICS_CL3] Is there a keypad?


  • Online PIN supported?

  • Transaction cancellation?


  • A virtual keypad in ACE may be used with MasterCard PayPass (for online pin, and stop button), AMEX ExpressPay (for online pin)

[ICS_CL4] Is there a display?


  • There are no EMVCo requirements related to UI. Only recommendations

  • At least, 2 lines are required. Do not forget the logo

[ICS_CL5] Is the polling timeout configurable?

[ICS_CL6] Is their a chip interface?

You may refer to Agnos Framework Functional References Sheets to define your ICS (provided on demand).

L3 Characterization

In the scope of this Wiki, L3 domain covers all software component outside Agnos Framework and GPI scopes. Hence, this domain is not part of Agnos kernels certifications targeted during the portage project. Below, a short summary is provided to contextualize the different topics to be addressed once/while Agnos has/is been/being ported and certified.

Payment, Processing, and Configuration

Out of the scope.

That topic refers to the 3 main interfaces that a PoP needs to integrate for an appropriate design:

  • TMS interface, i.e. how to configure the PoP

  • Sales to Payment interface, i.e. how to trig a payment

  • Processing interface, i.e. how to interface with a payment host

Interfaces to Sales Domain

Out of the scope.

That topic is crucial to develop a stable payment system across the time. It’s important to study that coupling level to avoid re certifications and PCI exposures.

Interfaces to Acquirer Secuiry Domain

Out of the scope.

That topic is dependent on the security scheme that will be used to integrate Agnos. L3 may require specific keys to be uploaded to support Master/Session or DUKPT mechanisms. The acquirer’s security scheme is used to support online block PIN, messages MACing, data integrity during data exchanges with host, or end to end encryption when available.


Logical Architecture

The logical architecture is independent from the physical constraints. Agnos Framework doesn't make any hypothesis on the deployment model that will be used. See Logical Architecture - Contact Project and Logical Architecture - Dual Project.

Physical Architecture

Defining the physical architecture is about defining which Agnos Framework components run of the host/acceptance device.

All components run on the acceptance device


API serialization is required

Some components run on the acceptance device, and some on the host. At which abstraction layer of the logical architecture is the physical separation?

  • GPI: only the GPI API needs to be serialized

  • Agnos: Agnos plus GPI APIs need to be serialized (contact only project)

  • Entry Point: AgnosEP plus AgnosMW plus Agnos plus GPI need to be serialized (contactless project or contact + contactless projects)


ACE Level

GPI Level

L2 Certification

In order to prepare the system to a certification once integrated, here are 2 important topics to address at the beginning of the project:

[CERT1] Do you have an SDK (test environment) to certify the system?


ACE is available, where does the testing Level3 run?

  • On the host: API serialization is required

  • On the device: ACE serialization is required (use ACE2PAdapter)


Use ACE2P protocol documentation.

[CERT2] What is the communication link between ACE and the device?

  • IP


  • Use ACE2PAdapter and ACE2PPOP as delivered (provided on demand)

  • Use direct TCP/IP (recompile DualCertificationLevel3, ACE2P, SPED without the symbol _ADAPTER_)

  • Not IP


  • Use ACE2PAdapter as delivered and implement a specific ACE2PPOPUse Windows Serial