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It might be required in some cases (when using an external Entry Point for example) to call Agnos only after SELECT PPSE and FINAL SELECT have been performed. Agnos is capable of handling such a scenario. Below the steps to perform (once the application selection was made).

Transaction Execution

 The following Steps shall be executed for each Transaction.

The codes samples below are written in C but can be transposed to Java using the Ola, OlaContactless classes.

Step 1

Each transaction must begin with a call to ola_contactless_flush_aid_supported().

Step 2

Transaction Related Data (TRD) must be passed to OLA using ola_emv_set_tag() for each TRD data elements (i.e., Transaction Type '9C', Transaction Date '9A', Transaction Time '9F21', Authorized Amount '9F02', Other Amount '9F03',...).


Code Block
ola_emv_set_tag(0x9C, “\x00”, 1);
ola_emv_set_tag(0x9A, “\x23\x05\x18”, 3);

Step 3

Pass the FCI returned by the FINAL SELECT ‘6F’ using ola_emv_set_tag()


Code Block
uint8_t fci[] = {

ola_emv_set_tag(0x6F, fci, sizeof(fci));

Step 4

Pass the Kernel ID of the Kernel to activate with Tag ‘9F2A’ using ola_emv_set_tag().


Code Block
ola_emv_set_tag(0x9F2A, 0x04, 1); 

Step 5

Set Configuration Data of Selected Candidate (Reader Combination) for the transaction using ola_contactless_add_aid_supported().


Code Block
ola_contactless_add_aid_supported(aid, sizeof(aid), partial_selection_indicator, kernel_id, cfg_data, sizeof(cfg_data));

Step 6

Execution the Transaction using ola_contacless_do_transaction().

Step 7

Get Outcome Parameters, UI Request Messages and retrieval of Authorization Data Elements


Code Block
uint8_t un[4];
uint8_t pan[10];
uint16_t len;

ola_emv_get_tag(0x9F37, un, &len);
ola_emv_get_tag(0x5A, pan, &len);

Step 8

It is important calling the function ola_contacless_clean() once the Transaction is completed.


Below an exemple of how to perform a transaction with an external EntryPoint :

Code Block
private fun performTransaction() {

    //Mock data of the SelectPPSE and FinalSelect from the external EP
    val selectPPSE = byteArrayOf(0x00, 0xA4.toByte(), 0x04, 0x00, 0x0e, 0x32, 0x50, 0x41, 0x59, 0x2e, 0x53, 0x59, 0x53, 0x2e, 0x44, 0x44, 0x46, 0x30, 0x31, 0x00)
    val selectFinal = byteArrayOf(0x00, 0xA4.toByte(), 0x04, 0x00, 0x07, 0xA0.toByte(), 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x10, 0x10, 0x00)

    // Beginning of transaction (card detection, SELECT PPSE, SELECT FINAL)
    if (detectCard(60) != 2) {

        Log.e("MainActivity", "performTransaction - error while detecting card")

    if (sendApdu(selectPPSE) == null) {

        Log.e("MainActivity", "performTransaction - error while sending SELECT PPSE")

    val fci = sendApdu(selectFinal)
    if (fci == null ){

        Log.e("MainActivity", "performTransaction - error while sending SELECT FINAL")

    // Step 1 - Clean SDK context

    // Step 2 - Set Transaction Related Data
    val now =
    agnos.olaEmvSetTag(OlaTag.TRANSACTION_DATE, Utils.bcdDate(now))
    agnos.olaEmvSetTag(OlaTag.TRANSACTION_TIME, Utils.bcdTime(now))

    val ccy = Currency.getInstance(Locale.getDefault())
    agnos.olaEmvSetTag(OlaTag.AMOUNT_AUTHORISED, Utils.bcdAmount(100)) // 1.00$
    agnos.olaEmvSetTag(OlaTag.TRANSACTION_CURRENCY_CODE, Utils.ccyCode(ccy))
    agnos.olaEmvSetTag(OlaTag.TRANSACTION_CURRENCY_EXPONENT, Utils.ccyExponent(ccy))

    agnos.olaEmvSetTag(OlaTag.TRANSACTION_TYPE, byteArrayOf(0x00))
    agnos.olaEmvSetTag(OlaTag.TRANSACTION_CATEGORY_CODE, byteArrayOf(0x11))

    // Step 3 - Pass FCI to SDK context
    agnos.olaEmvSetTag(fci[0].toInt(), fci.copyOfRange(2, fci.size - 2))

    // Step 4 - Set kernel ID (only using Visa with this example)
    agnos.olaEmvSetTag(0x9F2A, byteArrayOf(0x03))

    // Step 5 - Set AID data

    var tcc = Holders.SingleObjectHolder<ByteArray>()
    val err = agnos.olaEmvGetTag(OlaTag.TRANSACTION_CURRENCY_CODE, tcc)

    // Step 6 - Perform reste of transaction

    var tcc2 = Holders.SingleObjectHolder<ByteArray>()
    val err2 = agnos.olaEmvGetTag(OlaTag.TRANSACTION_CURRENCY_CODE, tcc2)

    // Step 7 - Get results
    var outcome = Holders.SingleObjectHolder<OlaOutcomeParameter>()

    var tcc3 = Holders.SingleObjectHolder<ByteArray>()
    val err3 = agnos.olaEmvGetTag(OlaTag.TRANSACTION_CURRENCY_CODE, tcc3)
    Log.v("MainActivity", "performTransaction - result for getTag(): $err3 => " +

    Log.v("MainActivity", "performTransaction - transaction complete")