Versions Compared


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Table of Contents

Version 3.5.12

  • Fixed Compilation Warnings after increasing Warning Levels (affects all Components)

  • Agnos 4.3 v3.5.20:

    • Fixed AGHD-679: Check for Inconsistent Length of Tag 9F29 (for JCB)

    • Sync function agnComputeCryptographicChecksum() with FMK 3.3

    • Fixed AGHD-313: Protection against invalid Issuer Script Length (for PURE)

  • AgnosEP 2.7 v3.5.23:

    • Added support of Mada Kernel

    • Fixed UN (Tag '9F37') Issue (for JCB)

    • Fixed UN Issue after Outcome='TRY AGAIN' (for Interac Flash)

    • Fixed PPSE being send after TORN Transaction (for DPAS)

    • Fixed AGHD-691: Expected behaviour by Visa ART after Contactless not allowed after Pr-Processing

  • EMVCo v4.3j v3.5.1:

    • Udated to v4.3j (passed Delta Tests v4.3i -> v4.3j)

  • C2 2.8 v1.0.5:

    • Fixed AGF-174: Support case where TLV 9F0300 is passed in TRD (TEI Mode 4 Test Case)

  • C3 VCPS 2.2.x v1.5.13:

    • Switched from VCPS 2.1.x to VCPS 2.2.x in AVT

  • C4 2.7 v1.0.14:

    • Fixed 'static' in Global Variables

    • Added validatefci.c for support with Non-Amadis Entry-Points

    • Fixed AGHD-694: fix from FMK 3.3

    • Fixed Agnos TVR Value for 'CVM can be executed'

    • Fixed variable name difference with FMK 3.3 (mLenCVM -> CVMLength)

  • C5 2.8 v1.3.6:

    • Avoid Memory Corruption when adbGetUnknowTags() is empty (for JCB)

    • Fixed AGHD-688: fix for gState=psNone under Exit Condition

    • Fixed AGF-317: Skip Card Removal when APDU with Command 'D0' Fails

  • DPAS 1.0 v1.3.49:

    • Fixed DPAS Test Case MS_ADF_Selection_009

  • C7 2.6 v1.3.13:

    • Fixed Memory Corruption Issue

    • Fixed Inconsistence of Tag '9F33' with respect to Tag '9F66'

  • PURE 2.1 v1.0.15:

    • Fixed AGF-313: Added Proper Issuer Script Length Validation

    • Fixed AGF-170: Test Case PRE_PROC_03 expecting 'END APPLICATION' instead of 'DECLINED'

    • Fixed AGF-326: Added case for AGF-170 expecting 'DECLINED' when SW1/SW2=9000

  • AgnosSP v0.0.17:

    • Added SW1/SW2 in Error Indicators for Amex L3 Contact Certification

    • Restrict Error Indicators to Visa and MC only in DD (to avoid errors in JCB)

    • Fixed JCB Test Case Select_PPSE_077 (ensure uninitialized KernelID=0)

    • Ensure Length=0 after erasing TLV from AgnosDB

    • Fixed AGF-294 to AGF-298: fix REMOVE CARD in PURE after 2nd GenAC

    • Fixed AGF-174: Proper handling of 9F0300 passed in TRD

    • Fixed AGF-313: Proper handling of invalid Length in Issuer Script 72 (for PURE)

  • OpenACE v3.5.12:

    • Added support of Configurable Message Strings (for Interac Flash)

    • Fixed Handling of LegacyCUP, LegacyDPAS and LegacyJCB Indicators

    • Fixed AGF-294 to AGF-298: Proper handling of REMOVE CARD after 2nd GenAC (for PURE)

    • Fixed AGF-313: Allow passing Issuer Responses with Invalid Lengths (for PURE)

    • Added support of Data Storage Configurations (for DPAS 2.0)

    • Fixed AGF-324: Interpret MsgID=0 as Clear Screen

    • Fixed AGF-327: Proper Hanlding of SW1/SW2=6985 from 2nd GenAC (for PURE)

    • Fixed Variables from 'agnos.ini' being overwritten (Trace Depth, APDU Log)

  • OpenKizis v3.5.13:

    • Added Support of Mada Kernel

    • Fixed AGHD-691: Outcome='TRY ANOTHER INTERFACE' when no Contactless after Pre-Processing (for Visa ART)

Version 3.5.11

  • Updated Version of C2 (to avoid having letters in Version Number)

  • Updated Version of C5 (to avoid having letters in Version Number)

  • Added 'CheckUTGO' Option in 'agnos.ini'

  • AgnosEP v3.5.20:

    • Added PURE in Kernel Loader (Static)

    • Fixed bad Outcome and UI Request Msg for CUP (Test Case QPB.D.001.00.04)

    • Fixed Issue when No Technos available after Pre-Processing for PURE (Test Case PRE_PROC_09)

    • Fixed Memory Corruption Issue caused by SessionID != 0 after agnCloseEMVSession() (AEC-151)

  • EMVCo v4.3i v3.5.3:

    • Set L2 Error to report EMPTY CANDIDATE LIST to L3

  • C4 v2.7 v1.0.12:

    • Added new Requirement for handling 'Unable To Go Online' (AGHD-643)

  • DPAS10 v1.0 v1.3.47

    • Added missing Function dpKernelSupportsOnlinePINDuringCardProcessing() (ARC=31 41)

  • PURE v2.1 v1.0.14:

    • Fixed Issue for DDA Option IO_4

    • Fixed Wrong Outcome when Amount > Terminal Limit (Test Case PRE_PROC_09)

    • Fixed Conversion Issue of 9F1B (BCD instead of Binary)

    • Fixed Tag '9F37' being deleted from Database during ODA

    • Fixed Wrong Update Condition for DF0B (for CONFIG 052)

  • OpenACE v3.5.9:

    • Fixed bad calls to 'dev' Functions in l2device.c

    • Added Handling of 'Unable To Go Online' with ACE-Client for AMEX (AGHD-643)

  • OpenKizis v3.5.12 and Kizis v3.5.4:

    • Added Handling of 'Unable To Go Online' with ACE-Client for AMEX (AGHD-643)

Version 3.5.10

  • Added PURE and Flash Kernels (Gobal)

  • Added implementation of Exit Condition 'GET PRE-PROCESSING RESULT' (Global)

  • AgnosEP v3.5.19:

    • Fixed 'PROCESSING ERROR' Message not displayed for Amex (nonemvops.appsel.proc.6)

    • Fixed Issue when Kernel for a Kernel ID in a Config Combination doesn't exist (AEC-138)

    • Fixed Issue for Paypass TEI Test Cases with Txn Type = '88'

  • AgnosSP v0.0.14:

    • Fixed SELECT NEXT Issue (AGF-107)

    • Fixed EMVCo Kernel Checksum Calculation

    • Fixed Issue with Paypass TEI Test Case (nonemvops.appsel.proc.6) with bad Error Indicator when Txn Type = '88'

  • OpenACE v3.5.8:

    • Fixed Issue for Large Amount with 'PRESENT CARD' Message

    • Added possibility of UI Interaction with DEVICE Functions from l2device.c

    • Fixed LED Issues (LED1 not lit, LED Cleared during Paypass Online Authorization)

  • Kernel C-2 v2.8 v1.0.3b:

    • Fixed Issue with '9F03' Tag with Len=0 in DataBase (AGF-108 and AGF-109)

  • Kernel C-3 VCPS 2.1.x and 2.2.x v1.5.12:

    • Fixed fDDA Version Issue (AGF-95)

    • Fixed Issue with CID='C0' (AGHD-609)

    • Fixed Issue with ARC='10' (AGHD-621) and ARC='11' (AGHD-622)

  • Kernel C-4 v2.7 v1.0.11:

    • Added Missing Preferred Languages in UI Req On Outcome and Restart

    • Fixed Retro-Compatibility Issues with UI Req Messages in Kizis

    • Fixed bad integration of Issuer Online PIN (AGHD-612)

  • Kernel C-7 v2.6 v1.3.11:

    • Added Unknown Tags 9F19, 9F25, 9F7C in Outcome Data Record (Test Cases qpb.c.001.01.01, qpb.c.003.01.01, qpb.c.005.01.01, qpb.c.006.00.01)

Version 3.5.9

  • Changed L2 API dependancy from AgnosL2 to AgnosSP

  • Removal of FIXME and TODO

  • Code Cleanup

  • Integration of Kernels C-5, C-6 and C-7

  • Device v3.5.7:

    • Ensure "APPEND" Mode points to EOF

  • AgnosDB v3.5.9:

    • Changed DATA_ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND from -1 to 0xFFFF (return value is 'unsigned short')

  • Agnos v3.5.18:

    • Added functions for Resetting and Getting the PSE Context

  • AgnosMW v3.5.19:

    • Variable renamed from 'mNewUIRequestSupport' to 'mUseSerializedUIReq'

  • AgnosEP v3.5.18:

    • Fixed Issue for VisaART caused by fix of UN for Amex (mobile.cvm.proc.10)

    • Fixed Issue with Dynamic Version of Visa Kernel (issue with Static Libraries)

  • EMVCo v4.3i v3.5.2:

    • Ensure proper usage of Indicator 'mUseSerializedUIReq'

    • Ensure PSE Context is Cleared before PSE Selection

  • Kernel C-2 v2.8 v1.0.3:

    • Fix for 3M06-1421(B_10_AFL-length-248-Op)

  • Kernel C-3 VCPS 2.1.x and 2.2.x v1.5.9:

    • Fixed VisaART Issue with Date Format Test Cases

    • Fixed VisaART Issue with AgnosTVR for T_0119_5_24_C08_01

  • Kernel C-4 v2.7 v1.0.10:

    • Fixed Missing Messages "PROCESSING ERROR" (with OpenKizis)

    • Fixed Handling of Online PIN Request by Issuer

  • Kernel DPAS10 v1.0 v1.3.46:

    • Fixed uninitalized global variables

    • Removed Configration Bit 'Terminal supports ONLINE PIN' from DF1B

  • OpenACE:

    • Fixed Issue with AMEX Message

    • Fixed Proper Handling of ARC from Issuer Response Data

    • Fixed MSG ID=17h

    • Fixed Handling of AMEX ARC=3141

    • Fixed 'SEE PHONE' Issue (AGHD-576)

    • Fixed Missing "PROCESSING ERROR" Message for AMEX ExpressPay

Version 3.4.14

  • Fixed Application Selection Issue with ACE-Client for CONTACT

  • Make External APDU Log Buffer

  • New Kernel Versions:

    • EMVCo Contact 4.3i (v3.4.2)

    • Mastercard 3.1.3 (2.8 v1.0.0)

    • Visa VCPS 2.1 (2.5 v1.2.0)

    • Amex 4.0.3 (2.7 v1.0.3)

    • JCB 1.4b (2.8 v1.3.2)

    • Discover 1.0 (v1.3.42)

    • CUP 2.6 (v1.3.9)

Version 3.4.13

  • C-3 Paywave Fixes:

    • Verify isContactchipSupported() when “Requested service not allowed”

    • Make pwAddTag() return 'adbNO_ERROR' instead of 'adbICC_FORMAT_ERROR' when Update Conditions are not satisfied

Version 3.4.12

  • Fixed Linux PCSC Corrections preventing POLLING CANCEL by ACE-Client in Windows

  • Fixed issue preventing correct execution of HOUSEKEEPING Transaction

Version 3.4.11

  • Fixed Timer issues (DEVICE Linux)

  • Fixed PCSC issues (DEVICE Linux)

  • Fixed bad Time mesurement in microseconds (force use of gettimeofday()) (DEVICE Windows)

  • Add Rupay, Bancomat, Girocard kernels (Fix from AgnosEP v3.3.15.18573)

  • Update EFTPOS version (Fix from AgnosEP v3.3.15.18573)

  • Fix collision messaging in line with book B (Fix from AgnosEP v3.3.15.18573)

  • Fixed check on fDDA version in Kernel C-7 (fix from C7.2.5 - v1.3.6.18823)

  • Fixed Bad Length Handling when _ADAPTER_ is defined (from ACE v3.3.19.18827)

Version 3.4.10

  • Fixed Values of “AlternateInterfacePreference” and “OnlineResponseData” Fields included in Outcome Digital Signal (ACE Module)

Version 3.4.9

  • Fix to remove Tag from DataExchange (DEK) when Len=0 in DOL (AgnosMW)

  • Fix to return agnICC_FORMAT_ERROR when Parsing Errors detected in GPO Response (Agnos)

  • Fix for AGHD-56 when CID are different and CDA Decrypted CID=AAC (Agnos)

  • Fix for handling Negative Values in RRP (Kernel C2)

  • Switching Implementation Reference from C3 v2.5 to VCPS v2.1 (Kernel C3)

Version 3.4.8

  • Fixed Issue in Contact Transactions where ADVICE and BATCH were sending REVERSAL Data

Version 3.4.7

  • Added possibility of including additional Kernels: EFTPOS, Flash, PagoBCM, Pure and RuPay

Version 3.4.6

  • Synchronization with latest updates from Framework 3.3 by OCH

Version 3.4.5

  • Remove call to gpiSleep() during Config Loading in Mode=3 (SimAuto) for MasterCard TEI

  • Fixed Crashing Issue in gpiSleep() (call to unitialized variable)

  • Added Display of Detected Windows PC/SC Readers and Matched PC/SC Readers with pcsc.ini

Version 3.4.4

  • Added Execution Mode=3 in agnos.ini for VCAS

  • Added Execution Mode=4 in agnos.ini for Automation with Card Probe (i.e. instead of Simulated Card)

  • Fixed gpiSleep() crashing when gPlatformInterface=NULL

  • Fixed gpiFileGetSize() returning 0 in WIN32

  • Fixed fptrInitialize() in Loader passing NULL instead of 'path' to Kernels (DRL and UC Files not being read)

Version 3.4.3

  • Fixed Communication Issues in Automation Mode

  • Fixed Handling of CONTACT gpiPolling() when exe→mContactless is diabled

  • Added possibility to pass 'agnos.ini' as parameter to Kizis.exe

  • Added Windows Registry/Services Fix in INNOSETUP to fix issue with EVAL Contactless Probe

  • Add Cancel Polling from ACE-Client

Version 3.4.2

  • Automation Mode disables sleep and minimizes screen interactions for faster execution

Version 3.4.1

  • Integrated Automation Support (mode=1 in agnos.ini)
