Versions Compared


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Name: Terminal Transaction CapabilitiesRelay Resistance Entropy

Source: Terminal

Format: Binary

Length: 4 - 4

Description: Proprietary Data Element for managing Contactless transactions and includes Contactless terminal capabilities (static) and contactless Mobile transaction (dynamic data) around CVM




Name: DS Slot Management Control RFU

Source: Icc

Format: Binary

Length: 1 - 1

Description: Contains the Card indication, obtained in the response to the GET PROCESSING OPTIONS command, about the status of the slot containing data associated to the DS Requested Operator ID




Name: Get Data Data Object List (GDDOL) Device Relay Resistance Entropy

Source: Kernel1

Format: Binary

Length: -




Name: Protected Data Envelope 1 Min Time For Processing Relay Resistance APDU

Source: Terminal

Format: Binary

Length: 0 - 192

Description: The Protected Data Envelopes contain proprietary information from the issuer, payment system or third party. The Protected Data Envelope can be retrieved with the GET DATA command.




Name: Card Interface Capabilities Max Time For Processing Relay Resistance APDU

Source: Icc

Format: Binary

Length: 2 - 2

Description: Data element indicating other interfaces supported by the device.




Name: Form Factor Indicator L1 error

Source: Kernel65 Terminal

Format: Binary

Length: 1 - 1




Name: GDDOL Result Buffer Device Estimated Transmission Time For Relay Resistance R-APDU

Source: Kernel1

Format: Binary

Length: -




Name: Protected Data Envelope 2 L2 error

Source: Icc Terminal

Format: Binary

Length: 0 1 - 1921

Description: The Protected Data Envelopes contain proprietary information from the issuer, payment system or third party. The Protected Data Envelope can be retrieved with the GET DATA command.




Name: Mobile CVM Results L3 error

Source: Icc Terminal

Format: Binary

Length: 4 1 - 41

Description: Proprietary data element returned from the Card in the GET PROCESSING OPTIONS response, indicating the status of Mobile CVM entry.




Name: Card Processing Requirements SW1SW2

Source: Icc Terminal

Format: Binary

Length: 2 - 2

Description: Contactless D-PAS proprietary data element indicating to the reader the card requirements to process the transaction




Name: Protected Data Envelope 3 Message on error

Source: Icc Terminal

Format: Binary

Length: 0 1 - 1921

Description: The Protected Data Envelopes contain proprietary information from the issuer, payment system or third party. The Protected Data Envelope can be retrieved with the GET DATA command.




Name: Issuer Script Result RFU

Source: Kernel1

Format: Binary

Length: -




Name: Protected Data Envelope 4 RFU

Source: Icc

Format: Binary

Length: 0 - 192

Description: The Protected Data Envelopes contain proprietary information from the issuer, payment system or third party. The Protected Data Envelope can be retrieved with the GET DATA command.


Name: Currency Conversion Parameters

Source: Icc


Length: -





Name: Data Element Update Result RFU

Source: Kernel1

Format: Binary

Length: -




Name: Protected Data Envelope 5 DS Input (Card)

Source: Icc Kernel2

Format: Binary

Length: 0 8 - 1928

Description: The Protected Data Envelopes contain proprietary information from the issuer, payment system or third party. The Protected Data Envelope can be retrieved with the GET DATA command.


Name: ECHO Identifier

Source: Kernel1 Contains Terminal provided data if permanent data storage in the Card was applicable (DS Slot Management Control[8]=1b), remains applicable, or becomes applicable (DS ODS Info[8]=1b). Otherwise this data item is a filler to be supplied by the Kernel. The data is forwarded to the Card with the GENERATE AC command, as per DSDOL formatting


Name: DS Digest H

Source: Kernel2

Format: Binary

Length: 8 - 8



 Contains the result of OWHF2(DS Input (Term)) or OWHF2AES(DS Input (Term)), if DS Input (Term) is provided by the Terminal


Name: Unprotected Data Envelope 1 DS ODS Info

Source: Icc Kernel2

Format: Binary

Length: 0 1 - 1921

Description: The Unprotected Data Envelopes contain proprietary information from the issuer, payment system or third party.


 Contains Terminal provided data to be forwarded to the Card with the GENERATE AC command, as per DSDOL formatting


Name: Transaction Related Data DS ODS Term

Source: Kernel1 Kernel2

Format: Binary

Length: 0 - 250



Name: Unprotected Data Envelope 2

Source: Icc

Format: Binary

Length: 0 - 192

Description: The Unprotected Data Envelopes contain proprietary information from the issuer, payment system or third party.


Name: Terminal Dedicated Data

Source: Kernel1

Format: Binary

Length: 0 - 250160

Description: Contains Terminal provided data to be forwarded to the Card with the GENERATE AC command, as per DSDOL formatting


Name: Torn Record

Source: Terminal


Length: -




Name: Unprotected PDOL Related Data Envelope 3

Source: Kernel2 Terminal

Format: Binary

Length: 0 - 192

Description: The Unprotected Data Envelopes contain proprietary information from the issuer, payment system or third party.




Name: VLP Funds Limit CDOL1 Related Data

Source: Icc Terminal


Length: -




Name: Electronic Cash Balance Limit DRDOL Related Data

Source: Kernel7 Terminal


Length: -




Name: Unprotected Data Envelope 4 Reference Parameter

Source: Icc Terminal

Format: Binary

Length: 0 - 192

Description: The Unprotected Data Envelopes contain proprietary information from the issuer, payment system or third party.




Name: VLP Single Transaction Limit RFU

Source: Icc


Length: -




Name: EC Single Transaction Limit RFU

Source: Kernel7


Length: -




Name: Unprotected Data Envelope 5 RFU

Source: Icc

Format: Binary

Length: 0 - 192

Description: The Unprotected Data Envelopes contain proprietary information from the issuer, payment system or third party.




Name: VLP Available Funds RFU

Source: Icc


Length: -




Name: Electronic Cash Balance Threshold Value for Biased Random Selection

Source: Kernel7


Length: -




Name: Merchant Custom Data (Mastercard) Maximum Target Percentage

Source: Icc

Format: Binary

Length: 20 - 20

Description: Proprietary merchant data that may be requested by the Card.




Name: Customer Exclusive Data (CED) Target Percentage

Source: Icc

Format: Binary

Length: 0 - 32

Description: Contains data for transmission to the issuer.




Name: DS Summary 1 RFU

Source: Icc

Format: Binary

Length: 8 - 16

Description: Contains the Card indication, obtained in the response to the GET PROCESSING OPTIONS command, about either the stored summary associated with DS ODS Card if present, or about a default zero-filled summary if DS ODS Card is not present and DS Unpredictable Number is present




Name: Application Version Number AgnosTVR

Source: Icc

Format: Binary

Length: 2 - 2




Name: Mobile Support Indicator Default TAC Default

Source: Terminal

Format: Binary

Length: 1 5 - 1

Description: The Mobile Support Indicator informs the Card that the Kernel supports extensions for mobile and requires on device cardholder verification.


Name: DCVV Discover version 1

Source: Icc


Length: -






Name: DS Unpredictable Default TAC Denial

Source: Icc Terminal

Format: Binary

Length: 4 5 - 45

Description: Contains the Card challenge (random), obtained in the response to the GET PROCESSING OPTIONS command, to be used by the Terminal in the summary calculation when providing DS ODS Term


Name: DCVV Discover version 2

Source: Icc


Length: -



Name: File Control Information (FCI) Issuer Discretionary Data

Source: Icc 


Name: Default TAC Online

Source: Terminal

Format: Binary

Length: 0 5 - 2225

Description: Issuer discretionary part of the FCI




Name: Scheme Data Template RFU



Length: -




Name: Integrated Data Storage Record Update Template RFU

Source: Kernel3

Format: Binary

Length: 0 - 255

Description: The IDS Record Update Template contains data to be updated in one or more IDS Records.




Name: Memory Slot Update Template RFU

Source: Kernel1

Format: Binary

Length: 0 - 800




Name: DS Summary 2 Cardholder Confirmation

Source: Icc Terminal

Format: Binary

Length: 8 - 16

Description: This data allows the Kernel to check the consistency between DS Summary 1 and DS Summary 2, and so to ensure that DS ODS Card is provided by a genuine Card


Name: DS Summary 3

Source: Icc

Format: Binary

Length: 8 - 16

Description: This data allows the Kernel to check whether the Card has seen the same transaction data as were sent by the Terminal/Kernel


Name: Security Capabilities a.k.a 9F33's Byte3 1 - 1



Name: PSE Selection

Source: Terminal

Format: Binary

Length: 1 - 1




Name: Balance Read Before GAC PIN Bypass

Source: Terminal

Format: Numeric Binary

Length: 12 1 - 121

Description: The Kernel stores the offline balance read from the Card in Balance Read Before Gen AC


Name: Balance Read After GAC

Source: Terminal

Format: Numeric

Length: 12 - 12

Description: The Kernel stores the offline balance read from the Card in Balance Read After Gen AC


Name: Data Needed

Source: Terminal

Format: Binary

Length: 0 - 255

Description: List of tags included in the DEK signal to request information from the Terminal


Name: CDOL1 Related Data

Source: Kernel2 


Name: CDA Mode

Source: Terminal

Format: Binary

Length: 0 - 255Description: Command data field of the GENERATE AC command, coded according to CDOL1


Name: DS AC Type

Source: Kernel2

Format: Binary

Length: 1 - 1

Description: Contains the AC type indicated by the Terminal for which IDS data must be stored in the Card




Name: DS Input (Term) RFU

Source: Kernel2

Format: Binary

Length: 8 - 8

Description: Contains Terminal provided data if permanent data storage in the Card was applicable (DS Slot Management Control[8]=1b), remains applicable or becomes applicable (DS ODS Info[8]=1b). DS Input (Term) is used by the Kernel as input to calculate DS Digest H




Name: DS ODS Info For Reader

Source: Kernel2

Format: Binary

Length: 1 - 1

Description: Contains instructions from the Terminal on how to proceed with the transaction if the AC requested by the Terminal does not match the AC proposed by the Kernel or the update of the slot data has failed


Name: DS Summary Status

Source: Kernel2 Partial AID Selection

Source: Terminal

Format: Binary

Length: 1 - 1

Description: Information reported by the Kernel to the Terminal about The consistency between DS Summary 1 and DS Summary 2 (successful read) The difference between DS Summary 2 and DS Summary 3 (successful write)




Name: Kernel ID Force Transaction To Go Online

Source: Terminal

Format: Binary

Length: 1 - 1

Description: Contains a value that uniquely identifies each Kernel. There is one occurrence of this data object for each Kernel in the Reader




Name: DSVN Term Torn Record

Source: Kernel2 Terminal

Format: Binary

Length: 0 - 255

Description: Integrated data storage support by the Kernel depends on the presence of this data object. If it is absent, or is present with a length of zero, integrated data storage is not supported. Its value is '02' for this version of data storage functionality. This variable length data item has an initial byte that defines the maximum version number supported by the Terminal and a variable number of subsequent bytes that define how the Terminal supports earlier versions of the specification


Name: Post-Gen AC Put Data Status

Source: Kernel2 A copy of a record from the Torn Transaction Log that is expired. Torn Record is sent to the Terminal as part of the Discretionary Data.


Name: Tags To Write Before Gen AC

Source: Terminal

Format: Binary

Length: 1 0 - 1255

Description: Information reported by the Kernel to the Terminal, about the processing of PUT DATA commands after  List of data objects indicating the Terminal data writing requests to be sent to the Card before processing the GENERATE AC command .


Name: Pre-Gen AC Put Data Status

Source: Kernel2

Format: Binary

Length: 1 - 1

Description: Information reported by the Kernel to the Terminal, about the processing of PUT DATA commands before sending the GENERATE or the RECOVER AC command.



Name: Proceed Tags To First Write FlagAfter Gen AC

Source: Kernel2 Terminal

Format: Binary

Length: 1 0 - 1255

Description: Indicates that  Contains the Terminal will send no more requests to read data other than as indicated in Tags To Read. This data item indicates the point at which the Kernel shifts from the Card reading phase to the Card writing phase.


Name: PDOL Related Data

Source: Kernel2

Format: Binary

Length: 0 - 255

Description: Command data field of the GET PROCESSING OPTIONS command, coded according to PDOL.


Name: Tags To Read

Source: Kernel2data writing requests to be sent to the Card after processing the GENERATE AC command or the RECOVER AC command.


Name: Data To Send

Source: Terminal

Format: Binary

Length: 0 - 255

Description: List of tags indicating the data the Terminal has requested to be read.


data objects that contains the accumulated data sent by the Kernel to the Terminal in a DEK signal


Name: DRDOL Related Data Record

Source: Kernel2 Terminal

Format: Binary

Length: 0 - 255

Description: Command data field of the RECOVER AC command, coded according to DRDOL


Name: Reference Control Parameter

Source: Kernel2

Format: Binary

Length: 1 - 1

Description: Working variable to store the reference control parameter of the GENERATE AC command.


Name: Error Indication The Data Record is a list of TLV encoded data objects returned with the Outcome Parameter Set on the completion of transaction processing


Name: Discretionary Data

Source: Terminal

Format: Binary

Length: 6 0 - 6255

Description: Contains information regarding the nature of the error that has been encountered during the transaction processing. This data object is part of the Discretionary Data


Name: User Interface Request Data

Source: Terminal

Format: Binary

Length: 22 - 22

Description: Combines all parameters to be sent with the MSG signal.


Name: Card Data Input Capability The Discretionary Data is a list of Kernel-specific data objects sent to the Terminal as a separate field in the OUT signal


Name: DET Delimiter

Source: Terminal

Format: Binary

Length: 1 0 - 1255

Description: Indicates the card data input capability of the Terminal and Reader


 DET Delimiter


Name: Terminal Entry Capability RFU

Source: Kernel3

Format: Binary

Length: 1 - 1




Name: CVM Capability - CVM Required AID Delimiter (PROCESSING)

Source: Terminal

Format: Binary

Length: 1 0 - 1255

Description: Indicates the CVM capability of the Terminal and Reader when the transaction amount is greater than the Reader CVM Required Limit




Name: CVM Capability - No CVM Required RFU

Source: Terminal

Format: Binary

Length: 1 - 1

Description: Indicates the CVM capability of the Terminal and Reader when the transaction amount is less than or equal to the Reader CVM Required Limit




Name: Default UDOL Entry Point Delimiter

Source: Terminal

Format: Binary

Length: 3 0 - 3255

Description: The Default UDOL is the UDOL to be used for constructing the value field of the COMPUTE CRYPTOGRAPHIC CHECKSUM command if the UDOL in the Card is not present.




Name: Kernel Configuration DRL Set Delimiter

Source: Terminal

Format: Binary

Length: 1 0 - 255

Description: Indicates the Kernel configuration options.




Name: Max Lifetime Torn Transaction DRL Set Configuration

Source: Terminal

Format: Binary

Length: 2 0 - 2255

Description: Maximum time, in seconds, that a record can remain in the Torn Transaction Log.




Name: Max Number Torn Transaction Update condition delimiter

Source: Terminal

Format: Binary

Length: 1 0 - 1255

Description: Indicates the maximum number of records that can be stored in the Torn Transaction Log.




Name: Magstripe CVM Capabilities - CVM Required PROCESSING other tlvs delimiter

Source: Terminal

Format: Binary

Length: 1 - 1

Description: Indicates the CVM capability of the Terminal/Reader in the case of a mag-stripe mode transaction when the Amount, Authorized (Numeric) is greater than the Reader CVM Required Limit.


Name: Security Capabilities

Source: Terminal

Format: Binary

Length: 1 - 1

Description: Indicates the security capability of the Kernel.


Name: Terminal Action Code - Default

Source: Terminal

Format: Binary

Length: 5 - 5

Description: Specifies the acquirer's conditions that cause a transaction to be rejected on an offline only Terminal